Raw, Local and Real
We are often asked why our honey tastes so good. We believe it’s because we do not feed our bees in order to increase how much honey they make.
Our honey is made from flowers and is not mixed with syrups! This is accomplished by partnering with local organic farmers and land owners which enables us to keep fewer bees at more locations. The areas are able to sustain the lower density of bees with an abundant natural food supply which eliminates the need to feed.
Many beekeepers keep too many bees in one location requiring them to feed the bees sugar syrup or, even worse, high fructose corn syrup. If done while the bees are making honey the resulting honey will contain the syrup. We consider such honey to be inferior in both taste and quality.
Find out what “real honey” tastes like.
To purchase, contact Deb
Phone or text 770-241-2853
Email Debbie@deb-Bees.com.